Saturday, March 5, 2011

On my mind all week has been, again, the call to be not want for anything. It started I think a week ago Sunday that Psalm 23 was preached at church. Normally, most of us could recite that entire Psalm. We know it, we "get" it, but do we really? Something hit me that night that I haven't been able to let go of all week. "...I shall not want." We are surrounded by people (Christians and non-Christians alike) who are always looking for the next big thing to "fulfill" their make them happier, to make them richer, to make things easier!

Jon and I started Dave Ramsey classes this week, and I must say, though I'd heard some of the information before, it is a somber reminder that we as a culture are dissatisfied! Going into debt to have the biggest and best, wasting all your money on the next thing that will supposedly make you rich...God wants us to rely on Him for all we Matthew he talks about the clothes you wear, where you're going to lay your head, and the food you need for sustenance. We have ourselves deceived into thinking we need ALOT more, when in all reality, we don't!

"To whom much is given, much is required" the Bible is not sinful to have money if God blesses you with it, it is what you do with what He gives. I take on the whole approach that God knows who can handle wealth and who cannot! God has given us all the same Bible to figure out what He wants us to do with money...and to be good stewards! We are not to be indebted to others, we are to give to the poor and needy, and help the widows, etc. It is the LOVE of money that is the root of all evil. Let's not let ourselves be deceived by the devil's lies that we need alot...we actually don't~let God lead you in what to do with what He has given you, and if you don't have a clue where to begin, take a class! :) Jon and I are enjoying it and are looking forward to being in a better place so we can better use our resources for God's use!

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