Thursday, January 27, 2011

"Rejoice in the Lord always; and again I say, rejoice."

Oftentimes that verse comes to mind when I (or someone I live with) is dissatisfied with where we are in life. God has a purpose for us and it is our responsibility to live it happily! Is this always an easy feat? Absolutely not! We are pulled by the world in so many different directions. We are not perfect enough outwardly; if only we had this or that, we would be happier; life is a never-ending circle of discontent which easily discourages the Christian. Why is it that we make life so difficult?

I have glimpses of how life could be much simpler and much happier, then I so easily fall back into my old ways and viewpoints and forget to grab those glimpses and move full-steam ahead! Try losing weight: I can see progress, then one mess-up leads to complete failure! Or keeping a clean home: I get to a good spot, then have to go back to regular pick-up and don't get the deep stuff done... Now this is just in my life...don't get me started on exercising or having a regular time with God.

Enough point is that we have to learn to be content...Happy where God has placed us. And this goes for me and for anyone else who struggles with complete happiness. Let God take you where you are (and me) and lead us into the happy, contented life He intends for us to live!


  1. Thanks for this! I feel like I'm in much the same place; always wishing one thing or another were different, better...thinner. Or I'm just plain unhappy with where I'm at.
    It's nice to be reminded that we are to "rejoice in the Lord ALWAYS", because every "place" we are in, like it or not, is right where God has planned. We'll get through and be stronger for it, if we keep Him close... now if only I could think this way in those unhappy times. That parts for me to work on ... but thank you for (re)planting the seed in my mind.

    I'm really glad you started this blog & look forward to following it :)

  2. Thanks, Jennifer. I look forward to writing more as it is just me...nothing fancy, but just my heart! :)
